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Why So Many Blogs Have Negative Tones

Posted by libhom Saturday, June 09, 2007

I wandered onto this blog put out by a fundamentalist Christian with a post entitled: Why are we so negative?

It was tempting to put a snarky reply on the comments section, but I decided to reply seriously. The results seem worth pulling up to my own blog, after a bit of rewriting.

The main reason for negativity on American blogs is that it reflects the negative reality the overwhelming majority of Americans experience and observe.

While the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, many middle class Americans are becoming poor, and the rest of the middle class are slowly losing economic ground.

We are in a senseless war in Iraq that actually helps Al Qaeda recruit terrorists. Tax policies are getting more slanted towards the rich and corporations. Religious extremism is widespread here in the US and abroad, and it isn't limited to one particular faith.

Racism, sexism, homophobia, AIDSphobia, and Christian supremacy are still rampant in the US. The very discussion of such topics is widely condemned by many sectors of our society.

Our environment is in a serious state of decay. Global Warming could end up being a disaster of unheard of proportions.

With very few meaningful limits on campaign finances, our elections often resemble auctions. Even the counting of the votes often is not valid, as was the case with the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections.

Jobs are being exported from this country at an alarming rate. Workplace safety is largely ignored by the current administration. Unionization is undermined both by corporations and by a complicit government.

Under the circumstances, the tone of most US blogs is relatively serene compared to the reality they are commenting on.


  1. Rachie Says:
  2. While I agree that there are a lot of negative things going on in America and the world, I'm not sure all bloggers are really as negative as they come across on the web. I think much of the reason for the negativity in blogs is that it's a place for people to vent in a relatively stress free environment, rather than because they really feel the impending doom of the world.

  3. Chris Says:
  4. It's very telling that you start your post out using a desciption of me as a "fundamentalist Christian." In my opinion, there is no such thing. Plain and simple, I love and follow Christ, which makes me a Christian. Fundamentalism has nothing to do with me at all.

    The point of my post is that the blogging world in general is quick to attack and not discuss. I disagree with almost everything you put in your response, yet I would never be one to throw stones and call names because you happen to disagree with me.

    I look forward to having meaningful conversations with you for a long time. Stop on by whenever you would like!

  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. The only people who blog are people that feel passionately about the topic. You don't see run-of-the-mill, tend-to-vote-Democrat/Republican starting a blog about it. Plus throw in the anonymity of it, it's easy and often fun to get into heated discussions.

  7. libhom Says:
  8. I would agree with rachie that bloggers often are not as negative in other aspects of their lives as in their postings. But, I think it is the subject matter of the American political system which creates the negative tone. If our political system inspired hope for the future, blog postings would be far more upbeat in general.

    Chris' comments are amusing. I wonder if any fundamentalist Christian would acknowledge that he or she is a fundamentalist Christian. There is a huge double standard on the Christian Right between themselves and the Muslim Right. They often will refer to "Muslim fundamentalists" and "Islamofascists," yet they never refer to "Christian fundamentalists" and "Christofascists. Yet, Christian religious extremism is just as extreme as Muslim extremism and has just as many fascistic elements to it.

  9. Chris Says:
  10. Islam or Christianity has nothing to do with fascism, so the term Islamofascist or Christanofascist is absurd.

    The "amusing" part of your response is that you lump a large part of our society together with your broad strokes of Christianity.

    Correct me if I'm wrong (which I really mean, by the way), but I'm sure with your liberal stance you've shouted out against the same type generalization from the same Christians you just lumped together.

    How is that right?

    What areas of Christianity or Islam have you experience that have anything to do with fascism? Don't give me something you've heard or read about. We're talking real life experience.

  11. Rachie Says:
  12. I agree with you completely when you say that the American political system is the cause of the negative tones of so many internet bloggers. With the people we have representing us, (on both sides of the political spectrum, ranging from Bush to Ted Kennedy) is it even possible to be positive in such an environment?
    I also agree the extreme Christianity is just as extreme as Muslim extremism, but then again, so is extreme liberalism.

  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. "...so is extreme liberalism."

    No such thing in America, champ. Extreme conservatism on the other hand...

    Cute, another example of the whole "pox on both their houses" nonsense that conservatives use to try to cover their misdeeds. Granted, Kennedy has his flaws, as all do, but comparing him to Bush is utter nonsense.

  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Chris: It's great to see that you've come over here to engage and seek understanding. Sad to see the way you've been treated though. I think you and rachie are basically discussing the same thing, but looking for a deep answer to the question "why" can be difficult. Basically, I think it comes down to this: people want to be a part of the change - they want to effect the future. So, there's no point in writing about "happy" things. In stead, they want to analyze and resolve the problems (yes, I think that even when people are just "venting", this is an underlying motivation). Much like the world of politics itself, if we all agreed, there would be nothing to discuss!
    Looking forward to checking out your site!
    BTW, libhom... thanks for bringing Chris' site to my attention! I've enjoyed stopping in here occasionally, and I agree with a lot of what you write, but you've shown your true colours in the way you welcome a stranger. I think I've seen enough.

  17. libhom Says:
  18. CookTing's comments are interesting because they illustrate a common taboo in our society: discussing Christian religious extremism. Open discussion of it is considered inappropriate by so many in our society.

  19. JayV Says:
  20. What I notice mostly is the nitpicking gotcha's of some of the commenters on blogs. Hilarious, sometimes, but also very pathetic, IMO.

    I'm sticking around here, though.




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