Hat tip to Dandelion Salad:
Great quote from Ms. Sheehan:
Nancy Pelosi is not afraid. She is an accomplice to Bush's crimes.
The positions Sheehan is taking on the issues are worth listening to. They are supposed to be what every Democrat stands for, but she is having to run as an independent to push them.
Please Visit Ms. Sheehan's Campaign Website
Sheehan is correct.
I am convinced Nancy and Paul Pelosi are, as Dianne Feinstein and her hubby, tied financially to the worst elements of the military, industrial complex.
Pelosi knows if she orders the Article of Impeachment, Bush White House operatives will "leak" her investments and discredit her.
Pelosi MUST be kicked out of office.
Cindy Sheehan is amazing. She's definately a bright spot in the muck of politics.