Hillary Clinton never met an oil corporation she wouldn't pander to, so this isn't terribly surprising. (From a Sierra Club email blast promoting an Action Alert.)
Just a few days ago, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she is inclined to approve the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline.
"We're either going to be dependent on dirty oil from the Gulf or dirty oil from Canada."
We disagree.
We don't have to import dirty oil from the dirtiest energy project on earth, the Canadian Tar Sands and we certainly don’t have to send billions overseas to oil-rich countries, while we sacrifice clean energy job creation here at home.
We need to push back and fast before the State Department makes its final decision on this dirty oil pipeline.
In a previous posting, I outlined some of the alternatives to depending on more petroleum. We simply don't need this especially filthy tar sands oil.
Besides, encouraging more oil production is the exact opposite of sound public policy that would try to prevent and reverse Global Warming. This is a pipeline to droughts, floods, and species extinction.
Even before Citizens United, it was difficult to get politicians to set aside the special interests of Big Oil. That corrupt Supreme Court ruling has made things even worse. That makes taking action even more important.
Please Take Action Now!
Photo: World Economic Forum