There has a lot of media buzz about Ratzi's hostile takeover bid to swallow up part of the Anglican Church within his Catholic empire.
There certainly is a militant fundamentalist faction within the Anglican brands of Protestantism as is the case with other Protestant sects. The Talibanists within Anglicanism (Episcopalianism here in the US) have been throwing temper tantrums for years over women and gay Anglican priests. With Ratzi's convoluted offer to subsume their version of Anglican faith within the Church of the Vatican, one has to ask:
Will the fundies really choose a church notorious for child raping priests over a church with women and gay priests?I know that misogyny and heterosexism make people crazy, but this is taking things really far. Let's look at the position the any Anglicans will be taking if they go along with Ratzi's takeover bid.
women = bad
gays = bad
child rapists = good???????????
I love being an atheist.
Images: eürodäna
Psycho Woman Throws Knives At Children
13 years ago
Proving once again, there is simply no love quite like Catholic Hate.
That is a bold move but beware of the Catholic Church. I used to be Catholic but then I stopped practicing after I found out some disturbing truth. Some say the papacy is the antichrist. They changed the ten commandments which is the Law of God, the Pope claims to be a god, they have killed innocent people for centuries like the Spanish Inquisition and supporting the Nazis, and the priests have molested a lot of children. Jesus would not approve of any of these, it is not Christian, that is evil hiding behind religion. I pray people really to open their eyes. I know I did!!!
An intriguing post. I've been a little confused myself as I'd consider myself a 'traditional' Anglican (Nicene Creed, intelligent sermons, ceremony and respect of the great Anglican tradition in the liturgy etc.) yet I'm in favour of women bishops, gay vicars and would be revolted if someone suggested I was a neo-con instead of a staunch liberal. I now find that "Traditional Anglican" seems to mean one who'd be pleased to be a Papist in all but name? God's being a bit complicated these days!
i am glad i am an atheist too. the jewish law isnt much better
In answer to the title in the post title - of course they will!! Another step backwards.
@ Amy
The Pope doesn't claim to be a god - bit of a simplistic comment.
The nazis also killed Catholics:
War in the name of religion is practiced in all forms of majority religions.
I agree, sexual abuse and all other forms of abuse inflicted on children (and adults, esp. women) by the Catholic Church are obscene, the Vatican directed cover up was obscene, and so is the continued behaviour of the Church with relation to past abuse.
earwicga: Amy didn't get it quite correct, but I think her point is that the Pope claims authority that most non Catholic Christians think only lies in their "god."
The Nazis did kill Catholics, but those were mostly wartime enemies and Christian Democratic politicians. The latter distinction matters because the papacy sided with Roman Catholic Hitler against the Christian Democrats, even though they were a Catholic political party.
The creation of the Vatican as an independent country was the result of a deal where the Roman Catholic Church traded their support for Mussolini.
There certainly were many Catholics who opposed the Axis powers, but they were going against their Pope and church hierarchy when they did.
"the papacy sided with Roman Catholic Hitler against the Christian Democrats, even though they were a Catholic political party."
I didn't know this so have been looking on the internet for supporting information and can't find any, in fact I have only found supporting information against this such as Mit Brennender Sorge - have you any links for me?
"The creation of the Vatican as an independent country was the result of a deal where the Roman Catholic Church traded their support for Mussolini."
Neither have I found any supporting information that the Lateran Treaty gave Mussolini any more than public approval. Again, links?
"I think her point is that the Pope claims authority that most non Catholic Christians think only lies in their "god." "
Point taken regardng petrine supremacy, if that is what Amy meant. No links required :)
earwcga: On the papacy siding with Hitler, I would refer you to the book, Hitler's Pope.
It was written by a Roman Catholic who was doing research to dispute attacks on the church's record during WWII only to find out that it was worse than he could have imagined.
The Mit Brennender Sorge really was a bargaining tactic by the church which was upset by Hitler's regime violating an agreement with them. The Jesuits had orginally written in stronger condemnations of Nazism, but most of those were taken out by the Vatican, especially those on a racial state.
A lot of people and institutions rewrote their histories after WWII to make themselves look less supportive of Hitler's regime. You have to keep that context in mind.
As for the creation of the Vatican, "public approval" is support for the fascist regime. It was particularly important in a heavily Roman Catholic country like Italy.
Thanks for the book recommend - will defo have a look. I'm embarassed to admit that I haven't come across this before.
I realise everything has a bias - to create the holocaust it took a lot of involvement from a lot of people and businesses. Many of which are still thriving today. Seems cyncal, but I thought that was the point of filming Schlinder's List.
From the fiction I have read, most of the Brtish ruling classes were in support of fascism in the thirties. Still are today, but mostly they have to temper it to supporting the Tories who are less overt (on the surface) fascists.
It'll be a while until the book as the cheapest way to get it is to get it shipped from your neck of the woods!
Did you see this? Via Peter Tatchell on Twitter (it's not all mindless over there)